Bella Marie France – IQGenes

Bella Marie France - IQGenes

Global Beauty International Pte Ltd

Bella Marie France - IQGenes

Global Beauty International Pte Ltd

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As the pioneer in bringing the latest in professional skincare technology and innovation, Bella Marie France (BMF) believes that the secret to skincare is in the genes. BMF’s IQGenes brings the right ingredients to unlock your anti-ageing potential, it is the next generation anti-ageing solution.

One-size-fits-all does not work for your skin and body wellness. Consumers are getting suboptimal results using generic wellness products and services, leading to wasted time and money.

Knowing your DNA means half the battle is won. The DNA based analysis and customized programme, allow customers to reach their skin and body care goals in a smart, direct way. Made to measure from DNA, BMF is able to deliver skincare or body care system that were chosen specifically to meet customers’ genetic pre-dispositions.

Following the approach of ensuring accurate diagnosis of the problems the Company has provided customers with a genetic-based test to identify links between genetic variations present in their DNA with specific skin or body wellness traits. With the analysis done, genetic pre-dispositions are discovered and this tells both the customer and BMF the statistical likelihood that a person is predisposed to developing pigmentation or obesity. For example, this test will enable customers to personalise that skincare or body care regime so as to help determine the optimal combination of products and treatments suited to their DNA.

As such, with this test BMF helps to understand the science of the customers’ genes and use this information to intervene at an early stage to avoid possible skin or bodyweight problems.

“In today’s advance age of science and technology, we (at BMF) have harnessed the latest in modern developments to bring to our customers, a unique service that offers a tailored approach to skin and body management, based on gene profile of each individual - IQGenes. The best part is, IQGenes analysis will last you a lifetime as your genes never change!”
Amy Quek
CEO, Bella Marie France

IQGenes by Bella Marie France (BMF) studies the genes of each individual to understand their skin and body dispositions and identify unique genetic traits.

With the information gathered, BMF can provide a personalised report that details genetic pre-dispositions to specific traits with an appropriate advice.

With this analysis, BMF are able to formulate bespoke solutions according to an individual Genes rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.
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Back to Hall of Fame

As the pioneer in bringing the latest in professional skincare technology and innovation, Bella Marie France (BMF) believes that the secret to skincare is in the genes. BMF’s IQGenes brings the right ingredients to unlock your anti-ageing potential, it is the next generation anti-ageing solution.

One-size-fits-all does not work for your skin and body wellness. Consumers are getting suboptimal results using generic wellness products and services, leading to wasted time and money.

Knowing your DNA means half the battle is won. The DNA based analysis and customized programme, allow customers to reach their skin and body care goals in a smart, direct way. Made to measure from DNA, BMF is able to deliver skincare or body care system that were chosen specifically to meet customers’ genetic pre-dispositions.

Following the approach of ensuring accurate diagnosis of the problems the Company has provided customers with a genetic-based test to identify links between genetic variations present in their DNA with specific skin or body wellness traits. With the analysis done, genetic pre-dispositions are discovered and this tells both the customer and BMF the statistical likelihood that a person is predisposed to developing pigmentation or obesity. For example, this test will enable customers to personalise that skincare or body care regime so as to help determine the optimal combination of products and treatments suited to their DNA.

As such, with this test BMF helps to understand the science of the customers’ genes and use this information to intervene at an early stage to avoid possible skin or bodyweight problems.

IQGenes by Bella Marie France (BMF) studies the genes of each individual to understand their skin and body dispositions and identify unique genetic traits.

With the information gathered, BMF can provide a personalised report that details genetic pre-dispositions to specific traits with an appropriate advice.

With this analysis, BMF are able to formulate bespoke solutions according to an individual Genes rather than a one-size-fits-all solution.
“In today’s advance age of science and technology, we (at BMF) have harnessed the latest in modern developments to bring to our customers, a unique service that offers a tailored approach to skin and body management, based on gene profile of each individual - IQGenes. The best part is, IQGenes analysis will last you a lifetime as your genes never change!”
Amy Quek
CEO, Bella Marie France

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