From the legendary of Tikuna tribe, Amazon Basin to the Thai research that converts the cashew fruit which normally be as waste for research. This study on the value and use as drink has been researched for 10 years. The researchers from Integrative Complementary Alternative Medicine Research and Development Center (ICAM), Khon Kean University, Thailand found that it is safe and is highly effective for health care. The preliminary research on the pharmacological effects of cashew fruits, found that cashew juice can increase learning ability and memory, increase the size of muscle fibers as well as the density of various types of muscles (non-publishing data). This is the only one Thai research in the world transform to cashew fruit juice product which full rich of benefit to health care “AIYARA CASHEWY”. It also refreshes cells in the body to use energy better, especially for the brain that helps to increase learning ability and memory.
AIYARA CASHEWY give health good 5 effects called 5D
From the legendary of Tikuna tribe, Amazon Basin to the Thai research that converts the cashew fruit which normally be as waste for research. This study on the value and use as drink has been researched for 10 years. The researchers from Integrative Complementary Alternative Medicine Research and Development Center (ICAM), Khon Kean University, Thailand found that it is safe and is highly effective for health care. The preliminary research on the pharmacological effects of cashew fruits, found that cashew juice can increase learning ability and memory, increase the size of muscle fibers as well as the density of various types of muscles (non-publishing data). This is the only one Thai research in the world transform to cashew fruit juice product which full rich of benefit to health care “AIYARA CASHEWY”. It also refreshes cells in the body to use energy better, especially for the brain that helps to increase learning ability and memory.
AIYARA CASHEWY give health good 5 effects called 5D
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