CTG Comunica is an innovative environment created by the combination of different computational technologies - geographic information systems, artificial intelligence, bidirectional communication via social media channels, water flow simulation tools - which allows the operator of hydroelectric plants to know in detail how the downstream areas are occupied, to know where people live and where properties and buildings are located and to assess the effects on them due to the release of water in the dams, whether operating in normal situations or in emergency situations, and to communicate quickly with the population in any areas vulnerable to risks. The system provides tools that allow the mapping of the resident population’s profiles, which skills they have, and which ones should be developed. This information is used to establish the appropriate communication language with this target audience and the training plan to be applied through the specific modules of the system. Specific training plans are developed for each of the resident profiles allowing them to be prepared to understand the potential risks in detail as well as the warning signs that are issued in emergency situations, and evacuation routes that will allow them to reach the security points.
CTG Comunica is an innovative environment created by the combination of different computational technologies - geographic information systems, artificial intelligence, bidirectional communication via social media channels, water flow simulation tools - which allows the operator of hydroelectric plants to know in detail how the downstream areas are occupied, to know where people live and where properties and buildings are located and to assess the effects on them due to the release of water in the dams, whether operating in normal situations or in emergency situations, and to communicate quickly with the population in any areas vulnerable to risks. The system provides tools that allow the mapping of the resident population’s profiles, which skills they have, and which ones should be developed. This information is used to establish the appropriate communication language with this target audience and the training plan to be applied through the specific modules of the system. Specific training plans are developed for each of the resident profiles allowing them to be prepared to understand the potential risks in detail as well as the warning signs that are issued in emergency situations, and evacuation routes that will allow them to reach the security points.
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