Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA)


Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA)

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With multibillion dollars investment and hundreds of projects tasked at hand, the Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA) has leverage on digital technology to better managing, monitoring and implement their projects. To ensure the efficiency and the effectiveness of the project implementation, RECODA has come up with innovative and interactive solutions known as RECODA PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RPMS).

RPMS make it possible for their users to track and monitor the current progress status of its project on site instantly, without physically being present on site, all within the fingertips through their mobile devices. RPMS utilised Cloud Computing technology which streamlined the connectivity, data collection, data sharing, data harness, data storing, communicating information into integrated Data Warehouse or Big data.

RPMS disseminates information such as schedule vs actual progress percentage, numbers of resources on site, schedule performance index, projected completion date, contractor performance speed, project financial status, project variance and many others vital information and communicated this information to various stakeholder which enables them to make an informed decision making.

Furthermore, what makes RPMS unique compares of other digital construction tools available in the market, is that RMPS is the first application to incorporate both Project Management Lifecyle and Project Information Modelling into its digital framework which is first of its kind. The digital framework amongst others includes Project Initiation phase, Project Planning Phase, Project Execution & Implementation Phase, Project Monitoring & Controlling, Project Closure Phase & Project Assets Maintenance.

"RECODA shall be the catalysts for the development and socio-economic transformation in Sarawak"


  • SMART COMMUNICATION: Through RPMS everyone can access the same data information without having to worry about irregularity in the information received by any parties.
  • TIME EFFICIENCY: With information readily within fingertips, users can eliminate travel time and use the time saved on travelling to focus more on crucial task at hand.
  • COST-EFFECTIVE: RPMS enable to users to gain “access” to the site without physically being present there. Thus, with omission of travelling cost this can be translated to cost saving in the long runs. With Smart Algorithm Ciphering and Autonomous Intelligence (AuI) driven framework, the stakeholders are able to make an informed decision make an informed decision making which translate into long term cost saving and more holistic in managerial approach.

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With multibillion dollars investment and hundreds of projects tasked at hand, the Regional Corridor Development Authority (RECODA) has leverage on digital technology to better managing, monitoring and implement their projects. To ensure the efficiency and the effectiveness of the project implementation, RECODA has come up with innovative and interactive solutions known as RECODA PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (RPMS).

RPMS make it possible for their users to track and monitor the current progress status of its project on site instantly, without physically being present on site, all within the fingertips through their mobile devices. RPMS utilised Cloud Computing technology which streamlined the connectivity, data collection, data sharing, data harness, data storing, communicating information into integrated Data Warehouse or Big data.

RPMS disseminates information such as schedule vs actual progress percentage, numbers of resources on site, schedule performance index, projected completion date, contractor performance speed, project financial status, project variance and many others vital information and communicated this information to various stakeholder which enables them to make an informed decision making.

Furthermore, what makes RPMS unique compares of other digital construction tools available in the market, is that RMPS is the first application to incorporate both Project Management Lifecyle and Project Information Modelling into its digital framework which is first of its kind. The digital framework amongst others includes Project Initiation phase, Project Planning Phase, Project Execution & Implementation Phase, Project Monitoring & Controlling, Project Closure Phase & Project Assets Maintenance.


  • SMART COMMUNICATION: Through RPMS everyone can access the same data information without having to worry about irregularity in the information received by any parties.
  • TIME EFFICIENCY: With information readily within fingertips, users can eliminate travel time and use the time saved on travelling to focus more on crucial task at hand.
  • COST-EFFECTIVE: RPMS enable to users to gain “access” to the site without physically being present there. Thus, with omission of travelling cost this can be translated to cost saving in the long runs. With Smart Algorithm Ciphering and Autonomous Intelligence (AuI) driven framework, the stakeholders are able to make an informed decision make an informed decision making which translate into long term cost saving and more holistic in managerial approach.
"RECODA shall be the catalysts for the development and socio-economic transformation in Sarawak"

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