Medidata Decentralized Clinical Trials Program

Medidata Decentralized Clinical Trials Program

Medidata Solutions International Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

Medidata Decentralized Clinical Trials Program

Medidata Solutions International Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.

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Medidata is the first and only company that unifies direct patient data capture technology with study oversight and monitoring, redefining endto- end decentralisation and transforming the site, sponsor, and patient experience of decentralised clinical trials.

The Medidata Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) Program is the most comprehensive set of unified, secure technologies that enable full decentralisation across the clinical trial continuum. For the first time ever, drug, vaccine, and medical device developers (sponsors) and contract research organisations (CROs) can take advantage of the only platform offering on the market which combines technology and workflows to virtualise patient participation, tools that facilitate sponsor oversight of patient safety and data quality, and direct-to-patient services that enable at-home drug delivery.

The Medidata DCT Program captures participant data remotely from anywhere, at any time. It aggregates and transforms the data, monitors the data to identify quality issues to mitigate risk and ensure patient safety, and runs powerful analytics to draw new insights leading to better outcomes for patients, researchers, sites, sponsors, and CROs.

“The industry’s only complete decentralized clinical trial solution."


  • Enables truly digital clinical oversight through embedded capabilities for risk identification, monitoring, and mitigation, optimising physical and virtual interaction with sites while maintaining patient safety and data quality.
  • Allows for powerful workflows driven from patient-centric data, such as shipping investigational products directly to the patient and automated dosage adjustments.
  • Provides the highest level of customisation of decentralising solutions based on study protocol design through the Trial Dial™ concept, and adjustments for everything from traditional onsite trials to fully decentralised models, and every hybrid trial design in between.

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Medidata is the first and only company that unifies direct patient data capture technology with study oversight and monitoring, redefining endto- end decentralisation and transforming the site, sponsor, and patient experience of decentralised clinical trials.

The Medidata Decentralized Clinical Trials (DCT) Program is the most comprehensive set of unified, secure technologies that enable full decentralisation across the clinical trial continuum. For the first time ever, drug, vaccine, and medical device developers (sponsors) and contract research organisations (CROs) can take advantage of the only platform offering on the market which combines technology and workflows to virtualise patient participation, tools that facilitate sponsor oversight of patient safety and data quality, and direct-to-patient services that enable at-home drug delivery.

The Medidata DCT Program captures participant data remotely from anywhere, at any time. It aggregates and transforms the data, monitors the data to identify quality issues to mitigate risk and ensure patient safety, and runs powerful analytics to draw new insights leading to better outcomes for patients, researchers, sites, sponsors, and CROs.


  • Enables truly digital clinical oversight through embedded capabilities for risk identification, monitoring, and mitigation, optimising physical and virtual interaction with sites while maintaining patient safety and data quality.
  • Allows for powerful workflows driven from patient-centric data, such as shipping investigational products directly to the patient and automated dosage adjustments.
  • Provides the highest level of customisation of decentralising solutions based on study protocol design through the Trial Dial™ concept, and adjustments for everything from traditional onsite trials to fully decentralised models, and every hybrid trial design in between.
“The industry’s only complete decentralized clinical trial solution."

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