Project Love

Project Love


Project Love


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With the innovative campaign idea of “Project Love”, marketing and public relations may construct and strengthen Ezecom’s brand identity, give it compelling value, and satisfy the needs of both potential and current customers.

Its purpose and objective are to deliver; customer mindset and perception, customer retention, churn issues, defend its position, and, importantly, build trust.

Therefore, such a bold campaign concept allows marketing and PR to create an atmosphere of uniqueness around the brand, build its identity, and provide it with engaging value. Stir customer imagination, show another side of their story, and spark discussion. “Project Love” encourages individuals to talk about the journey behind them and their plans as if it was a memorable adventure. Because that is what it is, with four action plans of Ezecom Loves You!

EZECOM service 1
EZECOM service 2
"We guarantee that our technologies and high-speed internet give each customer’s children a bright future while supporting their day-to-day activities and employment."


  • Love promo 30mbps & real bandwidth education.
  • Ezecom app launch.
  • Futuristic : 1st tech marketplace.
  • Project Love! Customer's home visit.

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Back to Hall of Fame

With the innovative campaign idea of “Project Love”, marketing and public relations may construct and strengthen Ezecom’s brand identity, give it compelling value, and satisfy the needs of both potential and current customers.

Its purpose and objective are to deliver; customer mindset and perception, customer retention, churn issues, defend its position, and, importantly, build trust.

Therefore, such a bold campaign concept allows marketing and PR to create an atmosphere of uniqueness around the brand, build its identity, and provide it with engaging value. Stir customer imagination, show another side of their story, and spark discussion. “Project Love” encourages individuals to talk about the journey behind them and their plans as if it was a memorable adventure. Because that is what it is, with four action plans of Ezecom Loves You!

EZECOM service 1
EZECOM service 2


  • Love promo 30mbps & real bandwidth education.
  • Ezecom app launch.
  • Futuristic : 1st tech marketplace.
  • Project Love! Customer's home visit.
"We guarantee that our technologies and high-speed internet give each customer’s children a bright future while supporting their day-to-day activities and employment."

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